Katja Aegerter

Katja Aegerter is a seasoned traveler who has moved with her family no less than 4 times and is a Psychologist and Mental Health Professional specializing in the effects of childhood mobility on mental health.

Moving from one place to the next can be an emotional time for children and adults alike. Even if we’re looking forward to the adventures ahead, we, and children especially, may also feel sad and mourn the life they’ve known and the people they’ve met.

In today’s conversation with Mickelle, Katja shares her experiences with her own TCKs and the conversations she’s had supporting her clients. She gives suggestions and insights of how we can better navigate these moves for our children so that they are better able to process their feelings and the grief that comes with saying goodbye.

She also shares an interesting description of Third Culture Kids’s - it’s one you may not have heard of yet. It made Mickelle wonder if there is room for the term Third Culture Parent!